Fauquier High School
Fauquier High School was founded in 1963 and has had an agriculture program since opening.
The school agriculture facilities include a greenhouse, an agriculture mechanics shop, as well as a school landlab with animal and vegetable production facilities.
The school agriculture facilities include a greenhouse, an agriculture mechanics shop, as well as a school landlab with animal and vegetable production facilities.
The school address is 705 Waterloo Road, Warrenton, VA 20185
Office phone is (540) 422-7300, ext 1146 for agriculture and 1188 for horticulture
You can also contact us be email at:
[email protected] - agriculture mechanics, animal systems
[email protected] - for horticulture
Office phone is (540) 422-7300, ext 1146 for agriculture and 1188 for horticulture
You can also contact us be email at:
[email protected] - agriculture mechanics, animal systems
[email protected] - for horticulture