Animal systems classes at Fauquier High School are actively breeding Dominiques, Bielefelders, Shenandoah, and Crested Cream Legbar chickens. We have pullets, hens, chicks and roosters available for sale. The price depends on sex, age of the chick, and breed. Our breeds are autosexing, so you can be sure that you are getting the sex of chick you want.
Students also gather and sanitize eggs daily for sale to our customers.
To purchase chicks, please email or call Susan Hilleary (540) 219-6398; [email protected]
Students also gather and sanitize eggs daily for sale to our customers.
To purchase chicks, please email or call Susan Hilleary (540) 219-6398; [email protected]
More Information About our Breeds:
All of our breeds are autosexing breeds. The males and females have different plummage patterns from hatch so they can be sexed at hatching. All are large enough to be dual-purpose birds.
All of our breeds are autosexing breeds. The males and females have different plummage patterns from hatch so they can be sexed at hatching. All are large enough to be dual-purpose birds.
Thank you!
To the Fauquier County Farm Bureau for providing the funds to start our hatchery operation
Cabinet IncubatorWe can hatch dozens of eggs at a time in this precisely temperature and humidity controlled cabinet incubator
Fauquier County Farm BureauSupports agriculture in the classroom for Fauquier County Public Schools
3 - Stage BrooderOur brooder allows us to keep 3 age groups warm at a time until they are ready to transition outdoors